Bouquet Toss

Almost in every wedding, the bride usually turns around and tosses her bouquet at all the single gals attending her wedding, whoever catches it is supposedly the next to get married. 

What do you think personally about this?

For me (oh well, i didn’t do this tradition on my wedding day), it’s quite a pressure for the single girls. 

There’re few possible scenarios:

 1. You’re single and you catch the bouquet.  Then? You’re supposed to meet someone now? It’s going to magically happen because the bundle of roses and lilies declared it so? Nope. But even the most logical amongst you are going to give some credence to these thoughts. Every guy you meet for the next few months might be the man the bouquet fortold of! And maybe he is, but probably he isn’t. And then you’re disappointed and the bridal bouquet has won.

2. You’re in a relationship and you catch the bouquet. WOW. Talk about pressure. All of the sudden, everything is going to get real serious. Instead of enjoying the relationship, you’re going to start focusing on the future and wondering when he’s finally going to pop the question. You’re going to expect him to. And maybe he should, maybe it’s time for that, maybe you’ve already discussed it with him, but probably not. And then you’re disappointed and the bridal bouquet has won.

3. You’re single and you don’t catch the bouquet. I hope those panty-hose have plenty of room because you are about to hit that wedding cake pretty hard. Again, the bridal bouquet has won.

 4. You’re in a relationship and you don’t catch the bouquet. Is he the wrong guy!? Why didn’t the bouquet choose you!? What does it all mean??!! You’re about to take a trip down worry road which leads all the way to over-analyzation-ville. Also, the road is not paved and has lots of potholes. Enjoy. The bridal bouquet wins again!


So, what do u think seriously?

Wedding Napkin Fold

Time to save-up some money? Decide what type of napkin fold you like, enquiry to your venue coordinator and request them to do it for you!

You might not realize it, but wedding napkins are an important part of your wedding reception’s overall look and feel. There are a lot more options and decisions to be made in regard to your wedding napkins than you might think, so consider some of the following ideas when planning out your wedding reception tables.

Impress your guests with fancy wedding napkin folds!

Table Number Presentation

Some of you may have seen my DIY Table Number Projects. But do you have any idea how am I going to place it and make it blend in with the whole theme?

First thing come to my mind when I decided to make the table number on my own is simply because I want it to be something different, personalized with our names on it and also something which my guests able to see it throughout the event. Normal practice for banquet in Singapore is the moment the first dish is being presented, they will simply remove the table number & centerpiece for the guest tables (coz for the guest tables, the food is not plated per person, but they will put the whole portion in the middle – so they feel by removing the table number & centerpiece, it will give them more space when the waiter/waitress distributing the food to the guests sitting in that table).

So, I was thinking if I have a separate table number & centerpiece, it might be a disturbance for the guests when they want to get some more food from the center of the table. But how about just having 1 item? Can’t be creating too much blockage right?

Therefore, I decided to “locate” my table number “inside” the centerpiece. In this way, I need to come up with some ideas what kind of centerpiece suitable for my table number, coz obviously I can’t use the normal centerpiece arrangement.

Finally, here’re some pics of our table number plus centerpiece look like on the actual day:

Guest Table Number & Centerpiece without the Candles On

Guest Table Number & Centerpiece with the Candles On

For the VIP table, due to our rectangular shape arrangement, guests can directly spot on which one is the VIP table, therefore the table number there mainly function as an additional final touch only so we didn’t combine them with any centerpiece.

VIP's Table Number : The Bride & The Groom

If some of you were thinking how come the centerpiece hydrangeas looks purple-ish rather than blue-ish. This is due to the shipment that come. They are still blue hydrangeas in fact. So bear in my mind, if you choose flowers which is not season throughout the year (e.g. roses), small differences in color might happen, so try to overcome it by making sure the remaining of your decor carry your theme color well before hand.